
Tajudeen Toyin-Oke's Biography

Tajudeen Toyin-Oke, an accountant of over 35 years experience, is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (FCA), and an International Associate of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountant (AICPA). After a five-year stint as Managing Director of Gurara Securities and Finance Limited, Kaduna, a brilliant career would follow in Baltimore, State of Maryland, USA, as a Financial and Tax Consultant, earning him citations from both the Governor of the State of Maryland, and the Mayor of the City of Baltimore.
On his return to Nigeria in 2007, he continued his work as a financial consultant, and later became Director of Finance and Accounts (DFA) at National Ethics and Values Compliance Office (NEVACO). On January 7, 2016, he was the spokesperson for the National Ethics and Values Compliance Office (NEVACO) during the National Assembly Public Hearing on the Bill for the establishment of the Agency.
He currently serves as Managing Director of Baltimore Tax and Financial Consults, a fiduciary agent to various Nigerian organizations and international donor agencies. He leads a team of experts with consulting and auditing experience to assist organizations build sustainable financial systems and processes, and to nurture a positive attitude towards good corporate governance, risk management and regulatory compliance.